Monday, February 21, 2011

Marimba Plans-A Good Investment Or Not?

The thought of buying marimba plans may seem a little absurd. After all, marimbas are basically pieces of wood that you hit with a mallet right? There is more to it than you might think though. So why should anyone spend money on plans?

First of all, there is always going to be some waste no matter what kind of woodworking project you do. If you are dealing with a relatively expensive hardwood the costs can add up pretty quickly. One wrong cut and you end up buying more materials again.

That's why marimba plans will more than pay for themselves ordinarily. Knowing how much wood to have and a template sure makes the job so much easier. While your marimba may not look quite as nice as a store bought instrument the sound will be almost as good. It all boils down to doing it right the first time!

Rosewood is obviously the wood of choice. If you start pricing it out you will soon realized how expensive it is. Hardwoods such as oak are comparable for most non professional players.

You shouldn't need to get too many tools for the project. A drill press, table saw and band saw are great to have but not necessary. If you can borrow any of those things from a friend it really does help though.

Just remember that your instrument is a labor of love. With all the work involved it just makes sense to consider buying quality marimba plans.

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